30-31 October 2023
Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
The 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Previously, two iterations of the International Conference on Agriculture and Food Sustainability (ICAFOSY) were successfully conducted. The first conference, titled “Reshaping The Future of Food Post Covid-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Technology,” and the second conference, focused on “Gender and Agriculture Development,” were both well-received. The main objective of these conferences was to foster interaction between research students, emerging academics, and established scholars in a formal setting. Participants had the opportunity to present and discuss their latest work, which significantly contributed to the conference’s excellence. In recent times, the agricultural sector has been increasingly vulnerable due to the impact of climate change, leading to significant disruptions. The uncertainties arising from social, economic, political, and environmental factors have prompted the theme for this year’s International Conference, the 3rd ICAFOSY, to be centered around “Enhancing the resilience of food systems for food and nutritional security under climate change in developing countries.”

Invited Speakers
Early Bird Registration
Enhancing the resilience of food systems for food and nutritional security under climate change in developing countries
Adaptation, mitigation, and resilience
Climate-smart agriculture adoption
Climate impacts on agriculture and forestry
Bioenergy for sustainable agriculture
Climate change education for social transformation
Climate science and diplomacy
Clean energy, energy efficiency, nature-based solutions, carbon capture
Governance for food security and climate change
Gender mainstreaming in food security and climate change
Invited Speakers

Prof. Bustanul Arifin
Agriculture Economics, Indonesia

Dr. Wanglin Ma
Lincoln University,
New Zealand

Prof. Dietrich Darr
Rhein-wall University, Germany

Kenichiro Onitsuka
Kyoto University, Japan

Dr. Djuwaiddah Sharifuddin
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr. Amy Ickowitz
Center for International Forestry Research, CIFOR

Dr. Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen
Deputy Director and Associate Professor University of Western, Australia
Important Dates
Abstract Submission : 17 July – 24 September 2023
Abstract Review Process : 25 – 30 September 2023
Acceptance Announcement : 2 October 2023
Registration and Payment : 2 – 13 October 2023
Manuscript Submission Deadline : 14 October 2023
Conference Day : 30 – 31 October 2023
Registration Fee
Profesional Presenter (offline)
Indonesian Participants
1.000.000 IDR
International Participants
Student Presenter (offline)
Indonesian Participants
600.000 IDR
International Participants
Participant Non Presenter (offline)
Indonesian Participants
200.000 IDR
International Participants
Profesional Presenter (online)
Indonesian Participants
750.000 IDR
International Participants
Student Presenter (online)
Indonesian Participants
350.000 IDR
International Participants
Participant Non Presenter (online)
Indonesian Participants
International Participants
Registration fee does not include article publication fee
- Scopus Indexed Proceedings (IOP Proceeding) = 2.000.000 IDR / 134 USD
- Sinta 3 Indexed (National Journal) = 500.000 IDR / 34 USD
- Participant non precenter-online (without e-certificate) – Free